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  • Ackerman, Bruce

    Published by Brand: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2005

    ISBN 10: 0674018664ISBN 13: 9780674018662

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. The ink was barely dry on the Constitution when it was almost destroyed by the rise of political parties in the United States. As Bruce Ackerman shows, the Framers had not anticipated the two-party system, and when Republicans battled Federalists for the presidency in 1800, the rules laid down by the Constitution exacerbated the crisis. With Republican militias preparing to march on Washington, the House of Representatives deadlocked between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. Based on seven years of archival research, the book describes previously unknown aspects of the electoral college crisis. Ackerman shows how Thomas Jefferson counted his Federalist rivals out of the House runoff, and how the Federalists threatened to place John Marshall in the presidential chair. Nevertheless, the Constitution managed to survive through acts of statesmanship and luck.Despite the intentions of the Framers, the presidency had become a plebiscitarian office. Thomas Jefferson gained office as the People's choice and acted vigorously to fulfill his popular mandate. This transformation of the presidency serves as the basis for a new look at Marbury v. Madison, the case that first asserted the Supreme Court's power of judicial review. Ackerman shows that Marbury is best seen in combination with another case, Stuart v. Laird, as part of a retreat by the Court in the face of the plebiscitarian presidency. This "switch in time" proved crucial to the Court's survival, allowing it to integrate Federalist and Republican themes into the living Constitution of the early republic.Ackerman presents a revised understanding of the early days of two great institutions that continue to have a major impact on American history: the plebiscitarian presidency and a Supreme Court that struggles to put the presidency's claims of a popular mandate into constitutional perspective.

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  • Jack, Dana Crowley

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1999

    ISBN 10: 0674064852ISBN 13: 9780674064850

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. This boldly original book explores the origins, meanings, and forms of women's aggression. Drawing from in-depth interviews with sixty women of different ages and ethnic and class backgrounds--police officers, attorneys, substance abusers, homemakers, artists--Dana Jack provides a rich account of how women explain (or explain away) their own hidden or actual acts of hurt to others. With sensitivity but without sentimentality, Jack gives readers a range of compelling stories of how women channel, either positively or destructively, their own powerful force and of how they resist and retaliate in the face of others' aggression in a society that expects women to be yielding, empathetic, and supportive.Arguing that aggression arises from failures in relationships, Jack portrays the many forms that women's aggression can take, from veiled approaches used to resist, control, and take vengeance on others, to aggression that reflects despair, to aggression that may be a hopeful sign of new strength. Throughout the book, Jack shows the positive sides of aggression as women struggle with internal and external demons, reconnect with others, and create the courage to stand their ground. This work broadens our understanding of aggression as an interpersonal phenomenon rooted in societal expectations, and offers exciting new approaches for exploring the variations of this vexing human experience.

  • Epstein, Richard

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1998

    ISBN 10: 0674808207ISBN 13: 9780674808201

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. Too many laws, too many lawyers--that's the necessary consequence of a complex society, or so conventional wisdom has it. Countless pundits insist that any call for legal simplification smacks of nostalgia, sentimentality, or naiveté. But the conventional view, the noted legal scholar Richard Epstein tells us, has it exactly backward. The richer texture of modern society allows for more individual freedom and choice. And it allows us to organize a comprehensive legal order capable of meeting the technological and social challenges of today on the basis of just six core principles. In this book, Epstein demonstrates how.The first four rules, which regulate human interactions in ordinary social life, concern the autonomy of the individual, property, contract, and tort. Taken together these rules establish and protect consistent entitlements over all resources, both human and natural. These rules are backstopped by two more rules that permit forced exchanges on payment of just compensation when private or public necessity so dictates. Epstein then uses these six building blocks to clarify many intractable problems in the modern legal landscape. His discussion of employment contracts explains the hidden virtues of contracts at will and exposes the crippling weaknesses of laws regarding collective bargaining, unjust dismissal, employer discrimination, and comparable worth. And his analysis shows how laws governing liability for products and professional services, corporate transactions, and environmental protection have generated unnecessary social strife and economic dislocation by violating these basic principles.Simple Rules for a Complex World offers a sophisticated agenda for comprehensive social reform that undoes much of the mischief of the modern regulatory state. At a time when most Americans have come to distrust and fear government at all levels, Epstein shows how a consistent application of economic and political theory allows us to steer a middle path between too much and too little.

  • Creveld, Martin Van.

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1985

    ISBN 10: 0674144406ISBN 13: 9780674144408

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. Many books have been written about strategy, tactics, and great commanders. This is the first book to deal exclusively with the nature of command itself, and to trace its development over two thousand years from ancient Greece to Vietnam. It treats historically the whole variety of problems involved in commanding armies, including staff organization and administration, communications methods and technologies, weaponry, and logistics. And it analyzes the relationship between these problems and military strategy.In vivid descriptions of key battles and campaigns--among others, Napoleon at Jena, Moltke's Kniggrtz campaign, the Arab-Israeli war of 1973, and the Americans in Vietnam--van Creveld focuses on the means of command and shows how those means worked in practice. He finds that technological advances such as the railroad, breech-loading rifles, the telegraph and later the radio, tanks, and helicopters all brought commanders not only new tactical possibilities but also new limitations.Although vast changes have occurred in military thinking and technology, the one constant has been an endless search for certainty--certainty about the state and intentions of the enemy's forces; certainty about the manifold factors that together constitute the environment in which war is fought, from the weather and terrain to radioactivity and the presence of chemical warfare agents; and certainty about the state, intentions, and activities of one's own forces. The book concludes that progress in command has usually been achieved less by employing more advanced technologies than by finding ways to transcend the limitations of existing ones.

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  • Lord, Albert B.

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1960

    ISBN 10: 0674808819ISBN 13: 9780674808812

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Softcover. Condition: Good. This 40th anniversary edition of Albert Lord's classic work includes a unique enhancement: a CD containing the original audio recordings of all the passages of heroic songs quoted in the book; a video publication of the kinescopic filming of the most valued of the singers; and selected photographs taken during Milman Parry's collecting trips in the Balkans. Parry began recording and studying a live tradition of oral narrative poetry in order to find an answer to the age-old Homeric Question: How had the author of the Iliad and Odyssey composed these two monumental epic poems at the very start of Europe's literary tradition? Parry's, and with him Lord's, enduring contribution--set forth in Lord's The Singer of Tales--was to demonstrate the process by which oral poets compose. Now reissued with a new Introduction and an invaluable audio and visual record, this widely influential book is newly enriched to better serve everyone interested in the art and craft of oral literature.

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  • Kuper, Adam

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1994

    ISBN 10: 0674128257ISBN 13: 9780674128255

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. The great debates about human origins, cultural history, and human nature confront us with two opposing images of human beings. One view emphasizes biology, the other emphasizes culture as the foundation of human behavior. In The Chosen Primate, Adam Kuper reframes these debates and reconsiders the fundamental questions of anthropology. Balancing biological and cultural perspectives, Kuper reviews our beliefs about human origins, the history of human culture, genes and intelligence, the nature of the gender differences, and the foundations of human politics.

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  • Rosenberg, Philip

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1974

    ISBN 10: 0674802608ISBN 13: 9780674802605

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. An essential book on understanding radicals.

  • Sandel, Michael J.

    Published by Brand: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007

    ISBN 10: 067401927XISBN 13: 9780674019270

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. 1. Listen to a short interview with Michael SandelHost: Chris Gondek Producer: Heron & CraneBreakthroughs in genetics present us with a promise and a predicament. The promise is that we will soon be able to treat and prevent a host of debilitating diseases. The predicament is that our newfound genetic knowledge may enable us to manipulate our nature--to enhance our genetic traits and those of our children. Although most people find at least some forms of genetic engineering disquieting, it is not easy to articulate why. What is wrong with re-engineering our nature?The Case against Perfection explores these and other moral quandaries connected with the quest to perfect ourselves and our children. Michael Sandel argues that the pursuit of perfection is flawed for reasons that go beyond safety and fairness. The drive to enhance human nature through genetic technologies is objectionable because it represents a bid for mastery and dominion that fails to appreciate the gifted character of human powers and achievements. Carrying us beyond familiar terms of political discourse, this book contends that the genetic revolution will change the way philosophers discuss ethics and will force spiritual questions back onto the political agenda.In order to grapple with the ethics of enhancement, we need to confront questions largely lost from view in the modern world. Since these questions verge on theology, modern philosophers and political theorists tend to shrink from them. But our new powers of biotechnology make these questions unavoidable. Addressing them is the task of this book, by one of America's preeminent moral and political thinkers.

  • Softcover. Condition: Good. This book develops an original theory of group and organizational behavior that cuts across disciplinary lines and illustrates the theory with empirical and historical studies of particular organizations. Applying economic analysis to the subjects of the political scientist, sociologist, and economist, Mancur Olson examines the extent to which the individuals that share a common interest find it in their individual interest to bear the costs of the organizational effort.The theory shows that most organizations produce what the economist calls public goods-goods or services that are available to every member, whether or not he has borne any of the costs of providing them. Economists have long understood that defense, law, and order were public goods that could not be marketed to individuals, and that taxation was necessary. They have not, however, taken account of the fact that private as well as governmental organizations produce public goods.The services the labor union provides for the worker it represents, or the benefits a lobby obtains for the group it represents, are public goods: they automatically go to every individual in the group, whether or not he helped bear the costs. It follows that, just as governments require compulsory taxation, many large private organizations require special (and sometimes coercive) devices to obtain the resources they need. This is not true of smaller organizations for, as this book shows, small and large organizations support themselves in entirely different ways. The theory indicates that, though small groups can act to further their interest much more easily than large ones, they will tend to devote too few resources to the satisfaction of their common interests, and that there is a surprising tendency for the lesser members of the small group to exploit the greater members by making them bear a disproportionate share of the burden of any group action.All of the theory in the book is in Chapter 1; the remaining chapters contain empirical and historical evidence of the theorys relevance to labor unions, pressure groups, corporations, and Marxian class action.

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  • Houck, Judith A.

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 2006

    ISBN 10: 0674018966ISBN 13: 9780674018969

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. How did menopause change from being a natural (and often welcome) end to a woman's childbearing years to a deficiency disease in need of medical and pharmacological intervention? As she traces the medicalization of menopause over the last 100 years, historian Judith Houck challenges some widely held assumptions. Physicians hardly foisted hormones on reluctant female patients; rather, physicians themselves were often reluctant to claim menopause as a medical problem and resisted the widespread use of hormone therapy for what was, after all, a normal transition in a woman's lifespan. Houck argues that the medical and popular understandings of menopause at any given time depended on both pharmacological options and cultural ideas and anxieties of the moment. As women delayed marriage and motherhood and entered the workforce in greater numbers, the medical understanding, cultural meaning, and experience of menopause changed. By examining the history of menopause over the course of the twentieth century, Houck shows how the experience and representation of menopause has been profoundly influenced by biomedical developments and by changing roles for women and the changing definition of womanhood.

  • Matthews, Gareth

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1984

    ISBN 10: 0674202821ISBN 13: 9780674202825

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. Every week for a year, a professional philosopher and eight children at a school in Edinburgh met to craft stories reflecting philosophical problems. The philosopher, Gareth B. Matthews, believes that children are far more able and eager to think abstractly than adults generally recognize. This book has considerable implications for education and for our understanding of the range of relationships between adults and children. With the example of these dialogues, Matthews invites parents, teachers, and all adults to be open to those moments when they can share with children the pleasures of joint philosophical discovery.

  • McNally, Richard J.

    Published by Brand: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2011

    ISBN 10: 0674046498ISBN 13: 9780674046498

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. 1. According to a major health survey, nearly half of all Americans have been mentally ill at some point in their lives-more than a quarter in the last year. Can this be true? What exactly does it mean, anyway? Whats a disorder, and whats just a struggle with real life?This lucid and incisive book cuts through both professional jargon and polemical hot air, to describe the intense political and intellectual struggles over what counts as a real disorder, and what goes into the DSM, the psychiatric bible. Is schizophrenia a disorder? Absolutely. Is homosexuality? It was-till gay rights activists drove it out of the DSM a generation ago. What about new and controversial diagnoses? Is social anxiety disorder a way of saying that its sick to be shy, or female sexual arousal disorder that its sick to be tired?An advisor to the DSM, but also a fierce critic of exaggerated overuse, McNally defends the careful approach of describing disorders by patterns of symptoms that can be seen, and illustrates how often the system medicalizes everyday emotional life.Neuroscience, genetics, and evolutionary psychology may illuminate the biological bases of mental illness, but at this point, McNally argues, no science can draw a bright line between disorder and distress. In a pragmatic and humane conclusion, he offers questions for patients and professionals alike to help understand, and cope with, the sorrows and psychopathologies of everyday life.

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  • Zelikow, Philip D.

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1997

    ISBN 10: 0674353250ISBN 13: 9780674353251

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Softcover. Condition: Good. Officials mingled in the lobby of the Oktyabrskaia Hotel--shaking hands, sipping champagne, signing their names--and Germany was united. In this undramatic fashion, the international community closed the book on the drama of divided Germany. But nothing so momentous could be quite so quiet and uncomplicated, as this volume makes strikingly clear. This is the first book to go behind the scenes through access to still not opened archives in many countries. Germany Unified and Europe Transformed discloses the moves and maneuvers that ended the Cold War division of Europe.Philip Zelikow and Condoleezza Rice, who served in the White House during these years, have combed a vast number of documents and other sources in German and Russian as well as English. They also interviewed the major actors in the drama--George Bush, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Eduard Shevardnadze, James Baker, Anatoly Chernyayev, Brent Scowcroft, Horst Teltschik, and many others. Their firsthand accounts merge to create a complete, detailed, and powerfully immediate picture of what happened. The book takes us into Gorbachev's world, illuminating why the Soviet leader set such cataclysmic forces in motion in the late 1980s and how these forces outstripped his plans. We follow the tense debates between Soviet and East German officials over whether to crush the first wave of German protesters--and learn that the opening of the Berlin Wall was in fact one of the greatest bureaucratic blunders in human history. The narrative then reveals the battle for the future of East Germany as it took shape between West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and the reform Communist leader, Hans Modrow--East Germany's "little Gorbachev." Zelikow and Rice show how Kohl and George Bush held off the reactions of governments throughout Europe so that Kohl could awaken East Germans to the possibility of reunification on his terms. Then the battle over the future of the NATO alliance began in earnest.The drama that would change the face of Europe took place largely backstage, and this book lets us in on the strategies and negotiations, the nerve-racking risks, last-minute decisions, and deep deliberations that brought it off. It is the most authoritative depiction of contemporary statecraft to appear in decades.

  • Neil J. Smelser

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1980

    ISBN 10: 0674877500ISBN 13: 9780674877504

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. Book by Neil J. Smelser, Erik H. Erikson.

  • Friedman, Walter A.

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 2004

    ISBN 10: 0674012984ISBN 13: 9780674012981

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. In this entertaining and informative book, Walter Friedman chronicles the remarkable metamorphosis of the American salesman from itinerant amateur to trained expert. From the mid-nineteenth century to the eve of World War II, the development of sales management transformed an economy populated by peddlers and canvassers to one driven by professional salesmen and executives.From book agents flogging Ulysses S. Grant's memoirs to John H. Patterson's famous pyramid strategy at National Cash Register to the determined efforts by Ford and Chevrolet to craft surefire sales pitches for their dealers, selling evolved from an art to a science. "Salesmanship" as a term and a concept arose around the turn of the century, paralleling the new science of mass production. Managers assembled professional forces of neat responsible salesmen who were presented as hardworking pillars of society, no longer the butt of endless "traveling salesmen" jokes. People became prospects; their homes became territories. As an NCR representative said, the modern salesman "let the light of reason into dark places." The study of selling itself became an industry, producing academic disciplines devoted to marketing, consumer behavior, and industrial psychology. At Carnegie Mellon's Bureau of Salesmanship Research, Walter Dill Scott studied the characteristics of successful salesmen and ways to motivate consumers to buy.Full of engaging portraits and illuminating insights, Birth of a Salesman is a singular contribution that offers a clear understanding of the transformation of salesmanship in modern America.

  • Medawar, P. B.

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1983

    ISBN 10: 0674045351ISBN 13: 9780674045354

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Softcover. Condition: Good. Brief articles discuss sociobiology, eugenics, aging, diseases, paleontology, and various concepts in biology.

  • Auerbach, Nina

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1982

    ISBN 10: 0674954068ISBN 13: 9780674954069

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. Here is a bold new vision of Victorian culture: a study of myths of womanhood that shatters the usual generalizations about the squeezed, crushed, and ego-less Victorian woman.Through copious examples drawn from literature, art, and biography, Auerbach reconstructs three central paradigms: the angel/demon, the old maid, and the fallen woman. She shows how these animate a pervasive Victorian vision of a mobile female outcast with divine and demonic powers. Fear of such disruptive, self-creating figures, Auerbach argues, produces the approved ideal of the dutiful, family-bound woman. The awe they inspire associates them with characters in literature, the only vehicles of immortality in whom most Victorians could unreservedly believe.Auerbach looks at a wonderful variety of sources: Svengali, Dracula, and Freud; poets and major and minor novelists Carlyle, John Stuart Mill, and Ruskin; lives of women, great and unknown; Anglican sisterhoods and Magdalen homes; bardolatry and the theater; Pre- Raphaelite paintings and contemporary cartoons and book illustrations. Reinterpreting a medley of fantasies, she demonstrates that female powers inspired a vivid myth central to the spirit of the age.

  • O'Malley, John W.

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1993

    ISBN 10: 0674303121ISBN 13: 9780674303126

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. John O'Malley gives us the most comprehensive account ever written of the Society of Jesus in its founding years, one that heightens and transforms our understanding of the Jesuits in history and today. Following the Society from 1540 through 1565, O'Malley shows how this sense of mission evolved. He looks at everything--the Jesuits' teaching, their preaching, their casuistry, their work with orphans and prostitutes, their attitudes toward Jews and "New Christians," and their relationship to the Reformation. All are taken in by the sweep of O'Malley's story as he details the Society's manifold activities in Europe, Brazil, and India.

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  • Hosking, Geoffrey

    Published by Brand: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2001

    ISBN 10: 0674004736ISBN 13: 9780674004733

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. From the Carpathians in the west to the Greater Khingan range in the east, a huge, flat expanse dominates the Eurasian continent. Here, over more than a thousand years, the history and destiny of Russia have unfolded. In a sweeping narrative, one of the English-speaking world's leading historians of Russia follows this story from the first emergence of the Slavs in the historical record in the sixth century C.E. to the Russians' persistent appearances in today's headlines. Hosking's is a monumental story of competing legacies, of an enormous power uneasily balanced between the ideas and realities of Asian empire, European culture, and Byzantine religion; of a constantly shifting identity, from Kievan Rus to Muscovy to Russian Empire to Soviet Union to Russian Federation, and of Tsars and leaders struggling to articulate that identity over the centuries.With particular attention to non-Russian regions and ethnic groups and to Russia's relations with neighboring polities, Hosking lays out the links between political, economic, social, and cultural phenomena that have made Russia what it is--a world at once familiar and mysterious to Western observers. In a clear and engaging style, he conducts us through the Mongol invasions, the rise of autocracy, the reigns of Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great, the battle against Napoleon, the emancipation of the serfs, the Crimean War, the Bolshevik Revolution, Stalin's reign of terror, the two World Wars, the end of the USSR, to today's war against Chechnya. Hosking's history is shot through with the understanding that becoming an empire has prevented Russia from becoming a nation and has perpetuated archaic personal forms of power. This book is the most penetrating and comprehensive account yet of what such a legacy has meant--to Russia, and to the world.

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  • Lindesay, William

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 2008

    ISBN 10: 0674031490ISBN 13: 9780674031494

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. A journey along the Great Wall in the past and present, this landmark volume offers an extraordinary portrait of perhaps the worlds most famous structure. Carrying his camera and a file of vintage photographs-the earliest dating from 1871-author-photographer William Lindesay traveled across Northern China for three years, searching for settings where the Great Wall could be examined in the past and present, side by side. The result, The Great Wall Revisited, presents seventy-two of the most elucidating then- and-now comparisons. This glossy dossier opens out as an extraordinary journey from the Jade Gate in northwest Chinas Gobi Desert to Old Dragons Head on the Yellow Sea.Far more than a romantic look at the Great Wall of yesteryear, this stunning, artfully crafted volume also contains concise histories of the sites that Lindesays images revisit. Colorful literary impressions composed by earlier visitors, juxtaposed with contemporary eyewitness accounts of change traced along the Wall, afford a sense of history unfolding and time inexorably creeping along the contours of this enduring monument to human ingenuity.

  • Rawls, John

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 2001

    ISBN 10: 0674005422ISBN 13: 9780674005426

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Softcover. Condition: Good. This book consists of two parts: The Law of Peoples, a major reworking of a much shorter article by the same name published in 1993, and the essay The Idea of Public Reason Revisited, first published in 1997. Taken together, they are the culmination of more than fifty years of reflection on liberalism and on some of the most pressing problems of our times by John Rawls.The Law of Peoples extends the idea of a social contract to the Society of Peoples and lays out the general principles that can and should be accepted by both liberal and non-liberal societies as the standard for regulating their behavior toward one another. In particular, it draws a crucial distinction between basic human rights and the rights of each citizen of a liberal constitutional democracy. It explores the terms under which such a society may appropriately wage war against an outlaw society and discusses the moral grounds for rendering assistance to non-liberal societies burdened by unfavorable political and economic conditions.The Idea of Public Reason Revisited explains why the constraints of public reason, a concept first discussed in Political Liberalism (1993), are ones that holders of both religious and non-religious comprehensive views can reasonably endorse. It is Rawlss most detailed account of how a modern constitutional democracy, based on a liberal political conception, could and would be viewed as legitimate by reasonable citizens who on religious, philosophical, or moral grounds do not themselves accept a liberal comprehensive doctrine-such as that of Kant, or Mill, or Rawlss own Justice as Fairness, presented in A Theory of Justice (1971).

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  • Armstrong, Elizabeth A.

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 2013

    ISBN 10: 0674049578ISBN 13: 9780674049574

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. 3.9.2013. Two young women, dormitory mates, embark on their education at a big state university. Five years later, one is earning a good salary at a prestigious accounting firm. With no loans to repay, she lives in a fashionable apartment with her fiancé. The other woman, saddled with burdensome debt and a low GPA, is still struggling to finish her degree in tourism. In an era of skyrocketing tuition and mounting concern over whether college is "worth it," Paying for the Party is an indispensable contribution to the dialogue assessing the state of American higher education. A powerful exposé of unmet obligations and misplaced priorities, it explains in vivid detail why so many leave college with so little to show for it.Drawing on findings from a five-year interview study, Elizabeth Armstrong and Laura Hamilton bring us to the campus of "MU," a flagship Midwestern public university, where we follow a group of women drawn into a culture of status seeking and sororities. Mapping different pathways available to MU students, the authors demonstrate that the most well-resourced and seductive route is a "party pathway" anchored in the Greek system and facilitated by the administration. This pathway exerts influence over the academic and social experiences of all students, and while it benefits the affluent and well-connected, Armstrong and Hamilton make clear how it seriously disadvantages the majority.Eye-opening and provocative, Paying for the Party reveals how outcomes can differ so dramatically for those whom universities enroll.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. In 1985, a black veteran of the civil rights movement offered a bleak vision of a long and troubled struggle. For more than a century, black southerners learned to live with betrayed expectations, diminishing prospects, and devastated aspirations. Their odyssey includes some of the most appalling examples of terrorism, violence, and dehumanization in the history of this nation. But, as Leon Litwack graphically demonstrates, it is at the same time an odyssey of resilience and resistance defined by day-to-day acts of protest: the fight for justice poignantly recorded in the stories, songs, images, and movements of a people trying to be heard.For black men and women, the question is: how free is free? Despite two major efforts to reconstruct race relations, injustices remain. From the height of Jim Crow to the early twenty-first century, struggles over racism persist despite court decisions and legislation. Few indignities were more pronounced than the World War II denial of basic rights and privileges to those responding to the call to make the world safe for democratic values-values that they themselves did not enjoy. And even the civil rights movement promise to redeem America was frustrated by change that was often more symbolic than real.Although a painful history to confront, Litwacks book inspires as it probes the enduring story of racial inequality and the ongoing fight for freedom in black America with power and grace.

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  • Sutton, Matthew Avery

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 2007

    ISBN 10: 0674025318ISBN 13: 9780674025318

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. From the Pilgrims who settled at Plymouth Rock to Christian Coalition canvassers working for George W. Bush, Americans have long sought to integrate faith with politics. Few have been as successful as Hollywood evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson.During the years between the two world wars, McPherson was the most flamboyant and controversial minister in the United States. She built an enormously successful and innovative megachurch, established a mass media empire, and produced spellbinding theatrical sermons that rivaled Tinseltown's spectacular shows. As McPherson's power grew, she moved beyond religion into the realm of politics, launching a national crusade to fight the teaching of evolution in the schools, defend Prohibition, and resurrect what she believed was the United States' Christian heritage. Convinced that the antichrist was working to destroy the nation's Protestant foundations, she and her allies saw themselves as a besieged minority called by God to join the "old time religion" to American patriotism.Matthew Sutton's definitive study of Aimee Semple McPherson reveals the woman, most often remembered as the hypocritical vamp in Sinclair Lewis's Elmer Gantry, as a trail-blazing pioneer. Her life marked the beginning of Pentecostalism's advance from the margins of Protestantism to the mainstream of American culture. Indeed, from her location in Hollywood, McPherson's integration of politics with faith set precedents for the religious right, while her celebrity status, use of spectacle, and mass media savvy came to define modern evangelicalism.

  • Frumkin, Peter

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 2002

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    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. This concise and illuminating book provides a road map to the evolving conceptual and policy terrain of the nonprofit sector. Drawing on prominent economic, political, and sociological explanations of nonprofit activity, Peter Frumkin focuses on four important functions that have come to define nonprofit organizations. The author clarifies the debate over the underlying rationale for the nonprofit and voluntary sector's privileged position in America by examining how nonprofits deliver needed services, promote civic engagement, express values and faith, and channel entrepreneurial impulses. He also exposes the difficult policy questions that have emerged as the boundaries between the nonprofit, business, and government sectors have blurred. Focusing on nonprofits' growing dependence on public funding, tendency toward political polarization, often idiosyncratic missions, and increasing commercialism, Peter Frumkin argues that the long-term challenges facing nonprofit organizations will only be solved when they achieve greater balance among their four central functions. By probing foundational thinking as well as emergent ideas, the book is an essential guide for nonprofit novitiates and experts alike who want to understand the issues propelling public debate about the future of their sector. By virtue of its breadth and insight, Frumkin's book will be an invaluable resource for anyone interested in understanding the complex interplay of public purposes and private values that animate nonprofit organizations.

  • Hirsch, Fred

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1976

    ISBN 10: 0674813650ISBN 13: 9780674813656

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. Arguing that limits on economic expansion are social as well as strictly economic, Hirsch demonstrates that the affluent compete among themselves and create social scarcity and that economic growth undermines the social foundations of the state.

  • Deathridge, John

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1992

    ISBN 10: 0674945301ISBN 13: 9780674945302

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. Rarely has anyone in the history of Western culture stirred up such deep, contrary, and enduring passions as Richard Wagner. A proposal to perform his work ignites controversy in Israel. Wagners The Ride of the Valkyries blares from helicopters slicing the air of Apocalypse Now. His name leads a list of Germanys spiritual heroes against a flaming backdrop in Anselm Kiefers largest work. Idolized by Nietzsche, appropriated by Hitler, defended by writers from Mann to Adorno, emulated by countless composers, interpreted by artists and filmmakers, Wagner has left us a legacy as complicated as it is profound. To this day the sheer magnitude of his accomplishment retains its power to overwhelm.This book is a measure of that magnitude, an unprecedented attempt to bring together in one volume what is known about the composers life, his work, and his influence. Unparalleled in its scope and depth, this remarkable compendium offers readers a unique opportunity to understand what this prodigious man has meant to the Western world. Described by Brahms as a man of colossal industry and horrendous energy, Wagner composed dozens of works, many of them towering masterpieces; he influenced a whole generation of conductors, took part in a revolution, counseled kings and diplomats, and organized the building of the Bayreuth festival theater. His writings on a wide variety of subjects fill sixteen substantial volumes and his thousands of personal letters document a wildly eventful private life.The Wagner Handbook addresses all of these aspects of the composers life and achievement. Central chapters include an account of Wagners place in music history by Carl Dahlhaus; Werner Breigs treatment of individual musical works; Peter Wapnewskis discussion of Wagners operatic works as literature; Isolde Vetters chapter on Wagner in the history of psychology; surveys of performance question over the years by Jens Malte Fischer and Oswal Bauer. These and other topics-the individuals who most powerfully influenced the composer and those he influenced, his impact on music history, and the political exploitation of his ideas-are masterfully drawn.

  • Bar-On, Dan

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1989

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    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. In the four decades since the liberation of Auschwitz, the world has witnessed many divergent responses to the atrocities of the Nazi regime. The present volume is a compilation of interviews with the now middle-aged children of the Nazi generation. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. Details the recent revolution in economic theory from its origins in Congressman Jack Kemp's office in 1975, through the Reagan administration political planning, and reveals how economic policy is made in Washington.

  • Pipes, Richard

    Published by Brand: Harvard University Press, 1968

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    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. Libro usado en buenas condiciones, por su antiguedad podria contener seales normales de uso.