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  • Softcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. Anxiety is the number one mental health problem facing young people today.Childhood should be a happy and carefree time, yet more and more children today are exhibiting symptoms of anxiety, from bedwetting and clinginess to frequent stomach aches, nightmares, and even refusing to go to school. Parents everywhere want to know: All children have fears, but how much is normal? How can you know when a stress has crossed over into a full-blown anxiety disorder? Most parents dont know how to recognize when there is a real problem and how to deal with it when there is.In Freeing Your Child From Anxiety, a childhood anxiety disorder specialist examines all manifestations of childhood fears, including social anxiety, Tourettes Syndrome, hair-pulling, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and guides you through a proven program to help your child back to emotional safety.No child is immune from the effects of stress in todays media-saturated society. Fortunately, anxiety disorders are treatable. By following these simple solutions, parents can prevent their children from needlessly suffering today-and

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  • Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. Are you forever rushing around, fending off chronic exhaustion? Are you desperately overcommitted, afraid to say no? Do you have fang marks from being bled dry by energy vampires? Does the onslaught of violence in the news leave you drained? If so, you're the victim of a hidden energy crisis. To resolve it you need more than traditional solutions such as eating well, getting a good nights sleep, and exercising. Here at last is the complete prescription to stop you from feeling constantly drained and enables you to live a more vibrant life: the Positive Energy Program created by Judith Orloff, M.D.Dr. Orloff is the pioneer behind Energy Psychiatry, a new field that addresses the subtle energetic components of health and behavior. Energy Psychiatry blends the practice of mainstream medicine with an emerging scientific understanding of subtle energies, revered by many cross-cultural healing traditions as our life force. In Positive Energy, Dr. Orloff explains this exciting new discipline and how it led her to formulate ten essential prescriptions for boosting energy, improving relationships, and combating energy vampires. The prescriptions are: Awaken your intuition and rejuvenate yourself--and learn the cure for technodespair and overload from emails, computers, and phones Find a nurturing spiritual path that fits your own beliefs and inner stirrings Design an energy-aware approach to diet, exercise, and health--and learn how to avoid the "energetic overeating" that sabotages attempts to lose weight Generate positive emotional energy to counter negativity Develop a heart-centered sexuality Open yourself to the flow of creativity and inspiration to achieve greater joy Celebrate the sacredness of laughter, pampering, and the replenishment of retreat--its not selfish to take care of yourself Discover how to attract positive people and situations Protect yourself from energy vampires with specificshielding techniques Create abundance and a continuing flow of energyThe purpose of this program is to make your life easier. Each prescription has clear instructions for practicing the simple, powerful exercises Dr. Orloff gives her patients and uses herself--plus, theres a "Treat Yourself" section to help you relax and enjoy the programs full benefits. Following each chapter are Dr. Orloffs interviews with luminaries who share their personal secrets about how they use a specific prescription to generate more energy. You'll discover how Quincy Joness intuition opened up after brain surgery, Larry King honed his interviewing techniques, Naomi Judd recovered from hepatitis C, and Jamie Lee Curtis deals with draining people.Dr. Orloff says, "We can't stop the negative circumstances of our time--our cell phones will keep ringing, e-mails will keep coming, people will be rude, our children will be demanding, and bad things will happen in the world. But we can learn ways to protect our energy so that we can stay centered in dealing with the stresses that arise." Positive Energy shows you how to slow down time to match your natural rhythms, allowing you to be fully present for your life. Learning this can make the difference between an exuberant life and one you're always recovering from. Filled with Dr. Orloff's warmth, humor, and compassion, Positive Energy is your tool kit for transforming fatigue, stress, and fear into an abundance of vibrance, strength, and love.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. Seventeen hundred years ago, key elements of our ancient heritage were lost, relegated to the esoteric traditions of mystery schools and sacred orders. Among the most empowering of the forgotten elements are references to a science with the power to bring everlasting healing to our bodies and initiate an unprecedented era of peace and cooperation between governments and nations.In his groundbreaking new book, The Isaiah Effect, Gregg Braden turns to the Isaiah Scroll, perhaps the most important of the Dead Sea Scrolls discovered in 1946, to offer insight into a powerful form of ancient prayer.In The Isaiah Effect, Braden, author of Awakening to Zero Point and Walking Between the Worlds, combines research in quantum physics with the works of the prophet Isaiah and the ancient Essenes. He demonstrates how prophecies of global catastrophe and suffering may only represent future possibilities, rather than forecast impending doom, and that we have the power to influence those possibilities.In addition to describing multiple futures, the Isaiah texts take us one step further, clearly describing the science of how we choose our futures. Tracing key words of Isaiah's text back to their original language, we discover how he taught a mode of prayer that was lost to the West during Biblical editing in the fourth century. Braden offers detailed accounts of how elements of this mode of prayer have been applied in a variety of situations, ranging from healing life-threatening conditions to entire villages using collective prayer to prevail during the 1998 fires in southern Peru. In each instance, the correlation between the offering of the prayer and a shift of the events in question was beyond coincidence--the prayers had measurable effects!As modern science continues to validate a relationship between our outer and inner worlds, it becomes more likely that a forgotten bridge links the world of our prayers with that of our experience. Each time we engage ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities with Isaiah's life-affirming message of hope, we secure nothing less than our future and the future of the only home we know.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. Whats Your GenoType?GenoType 1The HunterTall, thin, and intense, with an overabundance of adrenaline and a fierce, nervous energy that winds down with age, the Hunter was originally the success story of the human species. Vulnerable to systemic burnout when overstressed, the Hunters modern challenge is to conserve energy for the long haul.GenoType 2The GathererFull-figured, even when not overweight, the Gatherer struggles with body image in a culture where thin is in. An unsuccessful crash dieter with a host of metabolic challenges, the Gatherer becomes a glowing example of health when properly nourished.GenoType 3The TeacherStrong, sinewy, and stable, with great chemical synchronicity and stamina, the Teacher is built for longevity-given the right diet and lifestyle. This is the genotype of balance, blessed with a tremendous capacity for growth and fulfillment.GenoType 4The ExplorerMuscular and adventurous, the Explorer is a biological problem solver, with an impressive ability to adapt to environmental changes, and a better than average capacity for gene repair. The Explorers vulnerability to hormonal imbalances and chemical sensitivities can be overcome with a balanced diet and lifestyle.GenoType 5The WarriorLong, lean, and healthy in youth, the Warrior is subject to a bodily rebellion in midlife.With the optimal diet and lifestyle, the Warrior can overcome the quick-aging metabolic genes and experience a second, silver, age of health.GenoType 6The NomadA GenoType of extremes, with a great sensitivity to environmental conditions-especially changes in altitude and barometric pressure, the Nomad is vulnerable to neuromuscular and immune problems. Yet a well-conditioned Nomad has the enviable gift of controlling caloric intake and aging gracefully.The author of the international bestseller Eat Right 4 Your Type again breaks new ground with the first diet plan based on your unique genetic code.With Eat Right 4 Your Type and additional books in the Blood Type Diet series, Dr. Peter J. DAdamo pioneered a new, revolutionary approach to dieting-one linked to a persons blood type. In the GenoType Diet,he takes his groundbreaking research to the next level by identifying six unique genetic types. Whether you are a Hunter, Gatherer, Teacher, Explorer, Warrior, or Nomad, Dr. DAdamo offers a customized program that compliments your genetic makeup to maximize health and weight loss, as well as prevent or even reverse disease. In simple, concise prose, Dr. DAdamo explains how a host of environmental factors, including diet and lifestyle, dictate how and when your genes express themselves. He goes on to demonstrate precisely how, with the right tools, you can alter your genetic destiny by turning on the good genes and silencing the bad ones. Your health risks, weight, and life span can all be improved by following The GenoType Diet thats right for you.Using family history and blood type, as well as simple diagnostic tools like fingerprint analysis, leg length measurements, and dental characteristics, Dr. DAdamo shows you how to map out your genetic identity and discover which of the six GenoType plans you should follow. Without expensive tests or a visit to the doctor, The GenoType Diet reveals previously hidden genetic strengths and weaknesses and provides a precise diet and lifestyle plan for every individual. Based on the latest and most cutting-edge genetic research, this is a twenty-first-century plan for wellness and weight loss from a renowned healthcare pioneer.

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  • Hardcover. Condition: Good. 1. It has become the norm of our fast-paced world to expect everything to happen instantaneously, and for us to become instantly aggravated when it doesnt. The result is that we can feel frantic and rushed, stressed and unhappy nearly all the time. In The Power of Patience, M. J. Ryan teaches us how to slow the rush and reclaim the forgotten virtue of patience on a daily basis. She shows how doing so allows us to make better decisions and to feel better about ourselves every day.As the creator of the bestselling books, Random Acts of Kindness and Attitudes of Gratitude, M.J. Ryan discovered that the classic virtues have enduring power to bring light and love into our lives. With The Power of Patience, she shares what she has learned about the gifts that this old-fashioned quality can bestow, the attitudes that foster a patient outlook, and the practical tools that help us to respond patiently in any given moment.The Power of Patience calls on us to reclaim our time, our priorities, and our ability to respond to life with a firmly grounded sense of who we are. It is the best gift, we soon learn, that we can give ourselves.

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  • Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. A landmark book that reveals the way boys think and that shows parents, educators and coaches how to reach out and help boys overcome their most common and difficult challenges -- by the bestselling author who changed our conception of adolescent girls.Do you constantly struggle to pull information from your son, student, or athlete, only to encounter mumbling or evasive assurances such as Its nothing or Im good? Do you sense that the boy you care about is being bullied, but that hell do anything toavoid your help? Have you repeatedly reminded him that schoolwork and chores come before video games only to spy him reaching for the controller as soon as you leave the room? Have you watched with frustration as your boy flounders with girls?Welcome to Boy World. Its a place where asking for help or showing emotional pain often feels impossible. Where sports and video games can mean everything, but working hard in school frequently earns ridicule from the guys even as they ask to copy assignments. Where masterminds dominate and friends ruthlessly insult each other but can never object when someone steps over the line. Where hiding problems from adults is the ironclad rule because their involvement only makes situations worse. Boy world is governed by social hierarchies and a powerful set of unwritten rules that have huge implications for your boys relationships, his interactions with you, and the man hell become. If you want whatsbest for him, you need to know what these rules are and how to work with them effectively.What youll find in Masterminds and Wingmen is critically important for every parent - or anyone who cares about boys - to know. Collaborating with a large team of middle- and high-school-age editors, Rosalind Wiseman has created an unprecedented guide to the life your boy is actually experiencing - his on-the-ground reality. Not only does Wiseman challenge you to examine your assumptions, she offers innovative coping strategies aimed at helping your boy develop a positive, authentic, and strong sense of self.

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  • Eliot, Marc

    Published by Brand: Harmony, 2006

    ISBN 10: 1400052211ISBN 13: 9781400052219

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. Jimmy Stewarts all-American good looks, boyish charm, and deceptively easygoing style of acting made him one of Hollywoods greatest and most enduring stars. Despite the indelible image he projected of innocence and quiet self-assurance, Stewarts life was more complex and sophisticated than most of the characters he played. With fresh insight and unprecedented access, bestselling biographer Marc Eliot finally tells the previously untold story of one of our greatest screen and real-life heroes.Born into a family of high military honor and economic success dominated by a powerful father, Stewart developed an interest in theater while attending Princeton University. Upon graduation, he roomed with the then-unknown Henry Fonda, and the two began a friendship that lasted a lifetime. While he harbored a secret unrequited love for Margaret Sullavan, Stewart was paired with many of Hollywoods most famous, most beautiful, and most alluring leading ladies during his extended bachelorhood, among them Ginger Rogers, Olivia de Havilland, Loretta Young, and the notorious Marlene Dietrich.After becoming a star playing a hero in Frank Capras Mr. Smith Goes to Washington in 1939 and winning an Academy Award the following year for his performance in George Cukors The Philadelphia Story, Stewart was drafted into the Armed Forces and became a hero in real life. When he returned to Hollywood, he discovered that not only the town had changed, but so had he. Stewarts combat experiences left him emotionally scarred, and his deepening darkness perfectly positioned him for the 50s, in which he made his greatest films, for Anthony Mann (Winchester 73 and Bend of the River) and, most spectacularly, Alfred Hitchcock, in his triple meditation on marriage, Rear Window, The Man Who Knew Too Much, and Vertigo, which many film critics regard as the best American movie ever made.While Stewart's career thrived, so did his personal life. A marriage in his forties, the adoption of his wifes two sons from a previous marriage, and the birth of his twin daughters laid the foundation for a happy life, until an unexpected tragedy had a shocking effect on his final years.Intimate and richly detailed, Jimmy Stewart is a fascinating portrait of a multi-faceted and much-admired actor as well as an extraordinary slice of Hollywood history.Probably the best actor whos ever hit the screen. -Frank CapraHe taught me that it was possible to remain who you are and not be tainted by your environment. He was not an actor . . . he was the real thing. -Kim NovakHe was uniquely talented and a good friend. -Frank SinatraHe was a shy, modest man who belonged to cinema nobility. -Jack ValentiThere is nobody like him today. -June AllysonHe was one of the nicest, most unassuming persons I have known in my life. His career speaks for itself. -Johnny Carson.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. 1. Americas perceptions about the inevitable effects of aging are about to be completely rethought, thanks to groundbreaking new information from an internationally known expert on hormones and antiaging medicine. Thierry Hertoghe, M.D., has an important message to share: people are aging unnecessarily.Based on thirty-five years of scientific studies, The Hormone Solution: Stay Younger Longer with Natural Hormone and Nutrition Therapies is the first book that offers a prescriptive program to counter memory loss, weight gain, wrinkles, shrinking muscle mass, impotence, hair loss, and a host of other signs and symptoms of aging. Dr. Hertoghe offers an effective program of hormone replacement therapy using safe, low doses of natural hormones-in conjunction with a healthy diet and vitamin and mineral supplements-to help people maintain physical, mental, and emotional health and literally restore their bodies to a state thats three to twelve years younger than their actual age. He identifies the fifteen main, crucial hormones found in the body and explains the process that restores each one to its correct level.With a foreword by renowned doctor Barry Sears, The Hormone Solution is filled with self-scoring checklists, eating plans, nutritional prescription plans, and hormone shopping lists that help every reader calculate his or her personal hormone profile. Dr. Hertoghe is revolutionizing the medical field with his work, showing us how to treat chronic illnesses and the large and small aspects of aging by using preventive measures to drastically slow the aging process and its effects without costly procedures and surgeries. The Hormone Solution is a landmark publication that will revolutionize how people age, enabling us to live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. We all want the things that were sure will make us happy-money, success, independence, love. But when we finally get them, we can find to our surprise that we are the same miserable, moody, or just neutral people we always were. Why is that? Is it us? Is our ability to be happy genetically programmed in us like the color of our eyes?Luckily not. You can teach yourself to be happy and enjoy every day, and M. J. Ryan, bestselling author of The Power of Patience and Attitudes of Gratitude, shows you how. In her international coaching practice, M. J. Ryan has shown hundreds of clients how to find and really feel the joy in their lives. She gives them tools to unearth what stands in their way and revolutionize the way they experience life. Now its your turn for a Happiness Makeover.Ryans own desire to be happier first led her to study what is known about happiness from brain science, psychology, and the wisdom traditions of the world. The Happiness Makeover draws on this wide-ranging knowledge and presents a plan that will help you: Clear away happiness hindrances like worry, fear, envy, and grudges Discover happiness boosters like flow, meaningful work, challenge, and gratitude Literally rewire your brain to experience contentment-even joy Learn to think optimistically (it really is possible!) Find daily ways to truly enjoy, even relish, the moments of your lifeFull of moving stories, inspiring quotations, and the wisdom of one who has been there before, The Happiness Makeover offers the means to find elusive happiness at last.

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    Softcover. Condition: Good. 1. "When you balance your seven energy centers, you reclaim your natural rights and reestablish your natural order. You begin to undo the damage that was caused by living your life backward, from the head first, forgetting the body and spirit altogether. As with everything in nature, if your life isn't supported by a grounded source of energy, it will wither and lose its vitality. As you learn about the chakras, you will discover that balancing them isn't particularly hard, especially if you think of it as a process of not just living your life, but actually loving your life." -- From the IntroductionHow can we balance our time and energy when our days are so hectic? How can we find harmony in mind, body, and spirit? In True Balance, renowned intuitive and spiritual healer Sonia Choquette presents a step-by-step workbook for finding balance within our seven essential energy centers, or chakras. Drawing upon her deep personal experience and practice, she offers a wise and down-to-earth guide to achieving harmony. With supportive questionnaires, practical advice, and many specific remedies, Choquette leads us to a balanced life filled with creativity and blessings.

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  • Hardcover. Condition: Good. Book and Access. The Golden Land is a museum-in-a-book that devotes a double-page spread--complete with removable letters, documents, and personal effects--to each of the successive waves of Jewish immigration to America, from the Germans and Eastern Europeans in the 19th and early 20th centuries to the refugees from the Nazis in the 1930s and 40s to the Soviet Jews in the 1970s and '80s.America was the first nation where Jews were regarded as citizens from the very beginning, and The Golden Land reveals how they converted opportunity to success in fields from commerce, medicine, and science to movies, music, and literature.The book includes facsimiles of George Washingtons letter to a community of Jews in Rhode Island, Emma Lazaruss poem that was later inscribed on the base of the Statue of Liberty, Irving Berlins handwritten lyrics for God Bless America, a quiz challenging readers to guess the original names of American-Jewish show-business celebrities, and plenty of other materials to give readers a real feel for how America changed the Jews and how the Jews changed America.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. 1st US - 1st Printing. An internationally recognized Jungian analyst and psychologist helps women reclaim true desire for themselves. Not since Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex has female desire been explored so deeply and provocatively.This groundbreaking book delves into the complex world of female desire where women simply "want to be wanted." Many women encourage others to identify or validate images that give them feelings of worth or vitality and then feel resentful because they have sacrificed their real needs and desires. Instead of knowing who they really are and what they would like to do with their lives, they become trapped in their images. As a result, self-direction, self-confidence, and self-determination are undermined from adolescence through old age.Dr. Polly Young-Eisendrath examines this damaging syndrome of female development, showing women, and girls, how to untangle themselves from the web of reflected images that confuses or conceals their authentic wants and needs. Women and Desire empowers women to understand and take control of their sexual, social, and spiritual lives.

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  • Softcover. Condition: Good. 1. Discover Exciting New Ways to Manage LupusNow you can take control of lupus and begin living a healthier, better life-today! This thoughtful, cutting-edge book can help you manage the flare-ups, symptoms, and side effects of lupus and put you back on the path to a more enjoyable, active lifesyle. Inside is compassionate, practical, and immediate guidance for anyone affected by lupus, including:Promising alternative therapies such as DHEA, essential fatty acids, and herbsConventional drug treatments, including corticosteroids and antimalarialsEasy methods to reduce stress and boost energyImportant lifestyle requirements, such as diet and exerciseAnd much, much more!"A great resource for people with lupus, especially those recently diagnosed. New Hope for People with Lupus gives valuable and credible information about the many aspects of lupus which, as most of us know, can be very confusing."-Gloria M. Spadaro, R.N., executive director, Lupus Foundation Inc. of New Jersey"Reading New Hope for People with Lupus helps you become a central player in the colaborative diagnostic and therapeutic process that is what medical care is all about. This book gives hope because there is hope, particularly after absorbing the pearls in this new partner in your medical care."-From the Foreword by Stephen A. Paget, M.D.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. In How to Believe in God, Clark Strand, an accomplished master of both Eastern and Western mystical practices, takes on the most troublesome and provocative passages from Judeo-Christian scripture, transforming the Bible into a manual of spiritual liberation for the twenty-first-century seeker. Offering a revolutionary new model of approaching the Bible, he frees those sacred scriptures from superstition, dogma, and tribalism, and in the process recovers their universal teaching on salvation and belief. Drawing on his personal experiences, including his Bible Belt upbringing, his years as a Buddhist monk, and his life as a father and husband in a small rural community, Strand makes even the most subtle spiritual teaching heartfelt and accessible. How to Believe in God illuminates a clear path to reclaiming a God that leaves nothing out and leaves no one behind. His open, gentle, pioneering approach to faith allows everyone-from churchgoing Christians to those with no religious affiliation at all-to experience the Bible in new and exciting ways.

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  • Hardcover. Condition: Good. 1. In his final book and his first full-length original title since Full House in 1996, the eminent paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould offers a surprising and nuanced study of the complex relationship between our two great ways of knowing: science and the humanities, twin realms of knowledge that have been divided against each other for far too long.To establish his two protagonists, Gould draws from a seventh century b.c. proverb attributed to the Greek soldier-poet Archilochus that said roughly, The fox devises many strategies; the hedgehog knows one great and effective strategy. While emphatically rejecting any simplistic attempt to assign either science or the humanities to one or the other of these approaches to knowledge, Gould uses this ancient concept to demonstrate that neither strategy can work alone, but that these seeming opposites can be conjoined into a common enterprise of tremendous unity and power.In building his case, Gould shows why the common assumption of an inescapable conflict between science and the humanities (in which he includes religion) is false, mounts a spirited rebuttal to the ideas that his intellectual rival E. O. Wilson set forth in his book Consilience, and explains why the pursuit of knowledge must always operate upon the bedrock of natures randomness. The Hedgehog, the Fox, and the Magisters Pox is a controversial discourse, rich with facts and observations gathered by one of the most erudite minds of our time.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. 1. "Perhaps our real work, whether offering or seeking care, is to recognize that the healing relationship--the field upon which patient and practitioner meet--is, to use the words of the mythologist Joseph Campbell, a 'self-mirroring mystery'--the embodiment of a singular human activity that raises essential questions about self, other, and what it means to heal thy self."--Saki SantorelliToday we are experiencing extraordinary technological advances in the diagnosis and treatment of illness while at the same time learning to take more responsibility for our own health and well-being. In this book, Saki Santorelli, director of the nationally acclaimed Stress Reduction Clinic, explores the ancient roots of medicine, and shows us how to introduce mindfulness into the crucible of the healing relationship, so that both patients and caregivers begin to acknowledge that we are all wounded and we are all whole. His approach revolutionizes the dynamics of the patient/practitioner relationship. In describing the classes at the clinic and the transformation that takes place in this alchemical process, he offers insights and effective methods for cultivating mindfulness in our everyday lives. As he reveals the inner landscape of his own life as a health care professional and we join him and those with whom he works on this journey of human suffering and courage, we become aware of and honor what is darkest and brightest within each one of us.

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    Softcover. Condition: Good. When Tim and Liz Young decided to leave their comfortable suburban life and become first-time farmers in rural Georgia, they embarked on a journey that would change their lives. The Accidental Farmers reveals how the couple learned that hamburgers, bacon, and eggs don't come from the supermarket but from real animals that forge emotional bonds with their human caretakers. Seeking a middle path between a meatless lifestyle and the barbarism of factory food, Tim and Liz created a sustainable oasis where rare breed animals and humans live together searching for something nearly lost by both humans and the to live naturally off the land.This book is a personal memoir of the Young's journey to farming and is sure to delight those interested in moving to the country or simply learning more about the struggles of sustainable farming.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. 1. For 50 years the debate over high-protein, low-fat, and high-carbohydrate diets has confused the American people. Each diet is backed by convincing scientific research indicating that it is the best and only way to lose weight. But how can they all be right?The answer is astonishingly simple. Each one is right, but for only four months of the year! The secret to making these diets work together for a lifetime is to use each one in the appropriate season as designed by nature: low fat in the spring, high carbohydrates in the summer, and high protein (and fat) in the winter.The beauty of fitness and diet expert John Douillard's system is that now, for the first time, the body's cravings actually support both a weight-loss diet and a way-of-life diet. Given the opportunity provided by The 3-Season Diet, our desires readily align with foods that nature has provided for thousands of years at the time when they are naturally harvested. In winter we crave soups, nuts, warm grains, and other high-fat and protein foods such as fish and meat. In spring we want salads, berries, and leafy greens, a naturally low-fat diet. And in summer, when long days and outdoor activities require high energy, we desire fruits, vegetables, starches, and other high-carbohydrate foods.John Douillard has derived his revolutionary 3-season diet from a 5,000-year-old traditional medical system, adjusting it to fit our modern lifestyles. Information on body types, fat-burning exercises, stress-reduction and weight-balancing techniques, recipes, and food alternatives all support the reader in making The 3-Season Diet an easily sustainable way of life that lets you look and feel better than you've ever imagined.

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  • Roese Ph.D., Neal

    Published by Brand: Harmony, 2005

    ISBN 10: 0767915771ISBN 13: 9780767915779

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. If you spend a lot of time thinking about what might have been, youre not alone. In If Only, Neal Roese, Ph.D., one of the worlds top scientists studying regret, shows us that thoughts about what might have been are practically unavoidable. In fact, they are produced spontaneously by the brain with a very practical goal-to guide us toward improvement. But the same thoughts can bring the pain of regret. Is it worth the pain to get the improvement? Or should you live life with no regrets?Luckily, its not a package deal. The surprising message of If Only is that we can manage our regret style to maximize the gain and minimize the pain. In an entertaining and upbeat book that weds lively science writing to practical self-help, Dr. Roese mines the research and shares simple strategies for managing your life to make the most of regret. Youll learn: Dont Over-react. You may react to a regrettable situation by taking many fewer chances. Dont. This only ensures that you will miss out on new opportunities. Think Downward. Consider the downward alternatives. How could a bad situation have gone even worse? This makes you feel appreciative of what you have. Do It. If you decide to do something and it turns out badly, research shows that it probably wont haunt you down the road. (Youll reframe the failure and move on.) But you will regret the things left undone. Regrets are Opportunities Knocking. Our brains produce the most if only thoughts about things in our lives that we can still change. So consider regret as a signal flashing: Its not too late!If Only also shows that if only thinking plays a huge role across our lives, from how best to buy, to why we enjoy movies, how juries decide, and the way we choose someone to love. If Only opens a new window into the way our minds work and offers clear lessons for living more happily with the past.Fifteen years of research have been combined into a list of the top four biggest regrets of the average American: not getting more education career regrets regrets in love not spending enough time with kidsThe list is essentially a summary of the biggest traps, pitfalls, and mistakes into which people like you might blunder. Look over the list and try to identify areas of your life that represent the greatest vulnerability to future regret. And act now to avoid regret later.-from If Only.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. Daniel Amen, M.D., one of the worlds foremost authorities on the brain, has news for you: your brain is involved in everything you do-learn to care for it properly, and you will be smarter, healthier, and happier in as little as 15 days!You probably run, lift weights, or do yoga to keep your body in great shape; you put on sunscreen and lotions to protect your skin; but chances are you simply ignore your brain and trust it to do its job. People unknowingly endanger or injure their brains, stress them by working at a frenzied pace and not getting enough sleep, pollute them with caffeine, alcohol, and drugs, and deprive them of proper nutrients. Brain dysfunction is the number one reason people fail at school, work, and relationships. The brain is the organ of learning, working, and loving-the supercomputer that runs our lives. Its very simple: when our brains work right, we work right-and when our brains have trouble, we have trouble in our lives.Luckily, its never too late: the brain is capable of change, and when you care for it, the results are amazing. Making a Good Brain Great gives you the tools you need to optimize your brain power and enrich your health and your life in the process. The principles and exercises in this book, based on years of cutting-edge neuroscience research and the experiences of thousands of people, provide a wealth of practical information to teach you how to achieve the best brain possible. You will learn:how to eat right to think righthow to protect your brain from injuries and toxic substanceshow to nourish your brain with vitamins and do mental workouts to keep it strongthe critical component of physical exercise, and which kinds work besthow to rid your brain of negative thoughts, counteract stress, and much moreFull of encouraging anecdotes from Dr. Amens many years of experience, Making a Good Brain Great is a positive and practical road map for enriching and improving your own greatest asset-your brain.

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  • Freke, Timothy

    Published by Brand: Harmony, 2000

    ISBN 10: 060960581XISBN 13: 9780609605813

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. This astonishing book completely undermines the traditional history of Christianity that has been perpetuated for centuries by the Church. Drawing on the cutting edge of modern scholarship, authors Tim Freke and Peter Gandy present overwhelming evidence that the Jesus of the New Testament is a mythical figure.Far from being eyewitness accounts, as is traditionally held, the Gospels are actually Jewish adaptations of ancient Pagan myths of the dying and resurrecting godman Osiris-Dionysus. The supernatural story of Jesus is not the history of a miraculous Messiah, but a carefully crafted spiritual allegory designed to guide initiates on a journey of mystical discovery.A little more than a century ago most people believed that the strange story of Adam and Eve was history; today it is understood to be a myth. Within a few decades, Freke and Gandy argue, we will likewise be amazed that the fabulous story of God incarnate -- who was born of a virgin, who turned water into wine, and who rose from the dead -- could have been interpreted as anything but a profound parable.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. Most people can think of a time when their lives changed in just a few moments. Over the next seven days, you will experience dozens of those moments, and the resulting changes in your life will positively affect your happiness, success, and well-being for years to come.Paul McKenna has helped millions of people to quit smoking, lose weight, increase their self-confidence, and change their lives. He is well aware that even small changes can make a huge difference. For years, he has consistently astounded his audiences and clients with his ability to cure lifelong phobias in less than an hour and clear up deep-seated issues in just a few days. Now, Paul McKenna will show you how to use his time-tested, state-of-the-art techniques to help you break through your limitations, release your true potential, and become a happier, more confident, and powerful person.Paul McKenna has studied many highly successful and effective people around the world and discovered that success and happiness are not accidents that happen to some people and not to others-they are created by deliberate ways of thinking and acting. In this highly practical and engaging book, he distills the core strategies and techniques of the super-achievers into an amazing life makeover that will help you to think and act more positively and confidently, and noticeably improve your life in as little as one week. Would you like to make more money and be more successful? Would you like to have more energy and feel happier every day? Would you like to start living the life of your dreams?Paul McKenna helps us to integrate powerful new software into our minds, using his unique combination of checklists, exercises, informative sidebars, and anecdotes from people who have used this program successfully. Filled with encouraging advice and carefully crafted exercises based on the amazing mind-control techniques he has developed over many years, Change Your Life in Seven Days is designed to help you make a small yet monumental shift that will, over time, lead you to a brighter and more successful future.All it takes is seven days to turn our lives in a positive new direction. This book will take you there.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. In our current era of holy terror, passionate faith has come to seem like a present danger. Writers such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens have been happy to throw the baby out with the bathwater and declare that the danger is in religion itself. God, Hitchens writes, is not great.But man, according to George E. Vaillant, M.D., is great. In Spiritual Evolution, Dr. Vaillant lays out a brilliant defense not of organized religion but of mans inherent spirituality. Our spirituality, he shows, resides in our uniquely human brain design and in our innate capacity for emotions like love, hope, joy, forgiveness, and compassion, which are selected for by evolution and located in a different part of the brain than dogmatic religious belief. Evolution has made us spiritual creatures over time, he argues, and we are destined to become even more so. Spiritual Evolution makes the scientific case for spirituality as a positive force in human evolution, and he predicts for our species an even more loving future.Vaillant traces this positive force in three different kinds of evolution: the natural selection of genes over millennia, of course, but also the cultural evolution within recorded history of ideas about the value of human life, and the development of spirituality within the lifetime of each individual. For thirty-five years, Dr. Vaillant directed Harvards famous longitudinal study of adult development, which has followed hundreds of men over seven decades of life. The study has yielded important insights into human spirituality, and Dr. Vaillant has drawn on these and on a range of psychological research, behavioral studies, and neuroscience, and on history, anecdote, and quotation to produce a book that is at once a work of scientific argument and a lyrical meditation on what it means to be human.Spiritual Evolution is a lifes work, and it will restore our belief in faith as an essential human striving.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. Revised. Sunlight warms the Earth with life. As our culture moved from ancient hunting/gathering times to the technological era, we discovered ancient sunlight -- captured millions of years ago by plants and compressed into oil deep under our soil and oceans. Now, as our planet's oil supplies are projected to last no more than 30 to 50 years, and species and cultures are dying off at an unprecedented rate, we confront difficult choices.In this passionate yet thoroughly researched work, author Thom Hartmann proposes that the only lasting solution to the crises we face is to relearn the lessons of our ancient ancestors -- who lived sustainably for thousands of generations. When you touch this new yet ancient way of seeing the world and hearing the voice of all life, you discover that you, personally, hold the power of personal and planetary transformation. In that breathtaking moment, we see both a possible future for the survival of humanity, and the fulfillment of our highest dreams and aspirations.

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  • Lucey, Donna M.

    Published by Brand: Harmony, 2006

    ISBN 10: 1400048524ISBN 13: 9781400048526

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. John Armstrong Chanler-known as Archie to his family-was an heir to the Astor fortune, an eccentric, dashing, and handsome millionaire. Amélie Rives, from a Southern family and the goddaughter of Robert E. Lee, was a daring author, a stunning temptress, and a woman ahead of her time. Filled with glamour, mystery, and madness, their love affair and marriage made them the talk of society in the Gilded Age.Archie and Amélie seemed made for each other-both were passionate, intense, and driven by emotion-but the very things that brought them together would soon draw them apart. Their marriage began with a secret wedding that found its way onto the front page of the New York Times, to the dismay of Archies relatives and Amélies many gentleman friends. To the world, the couple appeared charmed, rich, and famous; they moved in social circles that included Oscar Wilde, Teddy Roosevelt, and Stanford White. But although their love was undeniable, they tormented each other, and their private life was troubled from the start.They were the F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald of their day-a celebrated couple too dramatic and unconventional to last-but their tumultuous story has largely been forgotten. Now, Donna M. Lucey vividly brings to life these extraordinary lovers and their sweeping, tragic romance.In the Virginia hunt country just outside of Charlottesville, where I live, the older people still tell stories of a strange couple who died some two generations ago. The stories involve ghosts, the mysterious burning of a church, a murder at a millionaires house, a sensational lunacy trial, and a beautiful, scantily clad young woman prowling her gardens at night as if she were searching for something or someone-or trying to walk off the effects of the morphine that was deranging her. I was inclined to dismiss all of this as tall tales Virginians love to spin out; but when I looked into these yarns I found proof that they were true. . . . -Donna M. Lucey on Archie and Amélie.

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  • Sanders, Lisa

    Published by Brand: Harmony, 2009

    ISBN 10: 0767922468ISBN 13: 9780767922463

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. 1. A riveting exploration of the most difficult and important part of what doctors do, by Yale School of Medicine physician Dr. Lisa Sanders, author of the monthly New York Times Magazine column "Diagnosis," the inspiration for the hit Fox TV series House, M.D."The experience of being ill can be like waking up in a foreign country. Life, as you formerly knew it, is on hold while you travel through this other world as unknown as it is unexpected. When I see patients in the hospital or in my office who are suddenly, surprisingly ill, what they really want to know is, What is wrong with me? They want a road map that will help them manage their new surroundings. The ability to give this unnerving and unfamiliar place a name, to know it-on some level-restores a measure of control, independent of whether or not that diagnosis comes attached to a cure. Because, even today, a diagnosis is frequently all a good doctor has to offer."A healthy young man suddenly loses his memory-making him unable to remember the events of each passing hour. Two patients diagnosed with Lyme disease improve after antibiotic treatment-only to have their symptoms mysteriously return. A young woman lies dying in the ICU-bleeding, jaundiced, incoherent-and none of her doctors know what is killing her. In Every Patient Tells a Story, Dr. Lisa Sanders takes us bedside to witness the process of solving these and other diagnostic dilemmas, providing a firsthand account of the expertise and intuition that lead a doctor to make the right diagnosis.Never in human history have doctors had the knowledge, the tools, and the skills that they have today to diagnose illness and disease. And yet mistakes are made, diagnoses missed, symptoms or tests misunderstood. In this high-tech world of modern medicine, Sanders shows us that knowledge, while essential, is not sufficient to unravel the complexities of illness. She presents an unflinching look inside the detective story that marks nearly every illness-the diagnosis-revealing the combination of uncertainty and intrigue that doctors face when confronting patients who are sick or dying. Through dramatic stories of patients with baffling symptoms, Sanders portrays the absolute necessity and surprising difficulties of getting the patients story, the challenges of the physical exam, the pitfalls of doctor-to-doctor communication, the vagaries of tests, and the near calamity of diagnostic errors. In Every Patient Tells a Story, Dr. Sanders chronicles the real-life drama of doctors solving these difficult medical mysteries that not only illustrate the art and science of diagnosis, but often save the patients lives.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. The Wright Brothers were wimps.Or so you might think after reading this account of their unsung but even more daring rivals-the men and women who strapped wings to their backs and took to the sky. If only for a few seconds.People have been dying to fly, quite literally, since the dawn of history. Theyve made wings of feather and bone, leather and wood, canvas and taffeta, and thrown themselves off the highest places they could find. Theirs is the worlds first and still most dangerous extreme sport, and its full history has never been told.Birdmen, Batmen, and Skyflyers is a thrilling, hilarious, and often touching chronicle of these obsessive inventors and eccentric daredevils. It traces the story of winged flight from its doomed early pioneers to their glorious high-tech descendants, whove at last conquered gravity (sometimes, anyway). Michael Abrams gives us a brilliant birds-eye view of what its like to fly with wings. And then, inevitably, to fall.In the Immortal Words of Great Birdmen.Someday I think that everyone will have wings and be able to soar from the housetops. But there must be a lot more experimenting before that can happen. -Clem Sohn, the worlds first batman, who plummeted to his death at the Paris Air Show in 1937The trouble was that he went only halfway up the radio tower. If he had gone clear to the top it would have been different. -Amadeo Catao Lopes in 1946, explaining the broken legs of the man who tried his wingsOne day, a jump will be the last. The jump of death. But that idea does not hold me back. -Rudolf Richard Boehlen, who died of jump-related injuries in 1953It turned out that almost everyone from the thirties and forties had died. That just made me want to do it more. -Garth Taggart, stunt jumper for The Gypsy Moths, filmed in 1968You have to be the first one. The second one is the first loser. -Felix Baumgartner, who in 2003 became the first birdman to cross the English Channel.

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  • Softcover. Condition: Good. 1. Stress is now considered the foremost contributor to poor health and a major factor in causing heart disease, cancer, and a myriad of chronic and acute diseases. This book will make yoga a fundamental part of your quest for wellness and well-being, whether you are a novice or a current pactitioner. Nischala Joy Devi, a pioneer in the field of alternative healing and a renowned yoga expert, has spent years helping people realize the healthful and stress-controlling benefits of yoga. In 1982 she developed yoga-based retreats for Dr. Michael Lerner's now famous Commonweal Cancer Help Program. That same year Dr. Dean Ornish asked her to create a program of yoga practices for patients suffering from heart disease. Yoga's contribution to the success of both programs has been astounding.Devi shares her years of experience working with the healthful benefits of yoga, teaching visualizations, breathwork, and meditation, as well as providing the classic steps and illustrated inst.

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. Book Club Edition. Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy, authors of The Jesus Mysteries and Jesus and the Lost Goddess, return with a powerful indictment of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic fundamentalism and a passionate reinterpretation of Gnostic spirituality. According to Freke and Gandy, religiously inspired acts of violence, such as the attacks on 9/11, are nothing new. They are the continuation of a long and bloody history of brutality caused by mistaking bizarre old books for the Word of God. The time has come to end religious intolerance and wake up to oneness by rediscovering the Gnostic way of transforming oneself and the world.Freke and Gandy's Incendiary New Book Is a Wake-Up Call to the WorldWhat if the Old Testament is a work of fiction, Jesus never existed, and Muhammad was a mobster?What if the Bible and the Quran are works of political propaganda created by Taliban-like fundamentalists to justify the sort of religious violence we are witnessing in the world today?What if there is a big idea that could free us from the us-versus-them world created by religion and make it possible for us to truly love our neighbors-and even our enemies?What if it is possible to awaken to a profound state of oneness and love, which the Gnostic Christians symbolized by the enigmatic figure of the laughing Jesus?Discover for Yourself Why the Gnostic Jesus Laughs.

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  • Leonard, Linda Schierse

    Published by Brand: Harmony, 2000

    ISBN 10: 0609600931ISBN 13: 9780609600931

    Seller: Ergodebooks, Houston, TX, U.S.A.

    Seller Rating: 5-star rating, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Condition: Good. First Edition. Linda Schierse Leonard, a renowned Jungian analyst and the best-selling author of The Wounded Woman and Meeting the Madwoman, shows how we can use our energies to live more creatively in all areas of our lives.In the decades Linda Schierse Leonard has spent as a Jungian analyst and teacher, she has seen that nature and creativity are healing--even necessary--tools for her clients, readers, and students. In The Call to Create, she explores the many parallels between the cycles, moods, and landscapes of nature that foster inspiration, renewal, and hope. Leonard shows how understanding these parallels helps us move through dark times so we can be ready to receive and actualize creativity in our lives.Many people do not think of themselves as creative. Yet their everyday discoveries, work, and appreciation of families, relationships, and personal lives are creative acts. In The Call to Create, Leonard helps us identify the characters and archetypal patterns that rise up inside us as we go about imagining a better life. These characters can be hinderers--such as the Perfectionist, the Cynic, or the Escape Artist--or they can be helpers, such as the Sower, the Adventurer, or the Celebrant. The Call to Create helps us recognize these characters within ourselves, enabling us to turn our everyday struggles into creative acts.Leonard encourages readers by showing that the obstacles preventing them from creating a better life are like those that artists confront, and that imagination can be born of frustration. By understanding how to cultivate the helpers within us--and by following the examples of well-known artists--we can develop and appreciate creativity in everything from our search for meaning to family and love relationships, from communications and business ventures to artistic endeavors.