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Nom Yourself: Simple Vegan Cooking - Softcover

9781583335857: Nom Yourself: Simple Vegan Cooking
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A beautiful cookbook for the next generation of newly vegan and vegan-curious, from the creator of the popular website and Instagram Nom Yourself.
Mary Mattern became a vegan in her early twenties, and was immediately astonished by how great she felt—and how rewarding she found her new vegan lifestyle to be. She soon became a vegan personal chef to the stars, working with people such as Entourage actor Jeremy Piven and touring with pop singer Ellie Goulding. When she began blogging about her vegan recipes on, she soon built up an enormous following, with nearly 100,000 followers on Instagram. Mattern has also gotten support from big names in the plant-based world, including Brendan Brazier, Chad Sarno, and many more. With her terrific personality and edgy, hip style, Mattern is poised to become the rock star of the millennial vegan world.

Now Mattern offers her delectable American-with-a-vegan-twist recipes to the world in her beautiful cookbook, Nom Yourself. With comfortable, familiar recipes such as Beer-Battered Buffalo [Cauliflower] Wings, American Apple Pie, and Creamy Cashew Alfredo, Nom Yourself will be the perfect book for the vegan-curious. And with beautiful color photos throughout to illustrate the mouthwatering recipes, Nom Yourself will prove that eating vegan is both delicious and easy.

"synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.

About the Author:
Mary Mattern is a twenty-eight-year-old vegan chef living in Los Angeles. After traveling with touring musicians to sell merchandise, Mary became involved in the business side of the music industry and maintains close ties to many stars. Mattern also founded the nonprofit organization Fashion A Cure, raising money for the American Cancer Society. She is a completely self-taught cook, and now works as a personal chef to several high-profile clients, including Ellie Goulding and Jeremy Piven.
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.:

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Copyright © 2015 by Mary Mattern

Photographs by Mary Mattern

Foreword © 2015 by Chad Sarno

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ISBN: 978-0-698-40360-4

Neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering professional advice or services to the individual reader. The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained in this book are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion in this book.

The recipes contained in this book have been created for the ingredients and techniques indicated. The publisher is not responsible for your specific health or allergy needs that may require supervision. Nor is the publisher responsible for any adverse reactions you may have to the recipes contained in the book, whether you follow them as written or modify them to suit your personal dietary needs or tastes.

This book is dedicated to the animals of our planet. I dream of a world where you no longer have to suffer for our entertainment, appetite, fashion, and leisure.





















The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.


The quote really sums it up. When the fuel of passion drives us, and that passion comes from a place of wanting to leave an impact and make a difference, there is nothing that will get in our way. Social media, as we all know, has become the greatest microphone we have to reach the masses and share our personal story and our purpose, and it can inspire others within this virtual community. From the beginning of time, food has brought people together, and it is our innate instinct to share meals with others within our community. Through the power of virtual platforms we are able to build on this surreal sense of community by sharing the foods and moments in time that inspire us daily.

I was first introduced to the power of plants at a young age and was determined to scream it from the mountaintops to whoever would listen. Being an activist at heart, I learned quickly that our forks are the greatest tools we have to make a difference for the animals, our health, and the planet.

Eating vegan has grown far beyond a trend, and just in the past few years it seems to have become a key piece of the conversation within the culinary world. More and more chefs are starting to recognize that showcasing plants is not only a healthier option but a channel of innovation and creativity that is gaining momentum. We are at the brink of a very exciting time, and we all need to do our part to support this snowballing movement.

Mary Mattern is a perfect example of someone who has taken her love for food, passion for cooking, and compassion for animals as an opportunity to build an online community to share just how easy it is to eat and embrace a vegan diet with simple, plant-based, comforting foods. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen a Nom Yourself post on social media and started craving some vegan comfort food. Mary is a mover and a shaker; she brings others together with the foods she posts, keeping us all hungry and constantly inspiring folks to get back in the kitchen. With the foods that strike that memory or emotional connection we have from childhood, the comfort foods we love is where Mary’s food shines. Her work has reached people around the world, and she inspires us all daily with the message not only that vegan cooking is approachable and delicious, but also that when we embrace our personal passion, our purpose for making a difference, there is no stopping us and we can create the path we desire.

It is so amazing to see the culinary journey unfolding for Mary and to know that her creative work is getting the recognition it deserves. This book is a wonderful showcase of that work. We are very lucky to have such a passionate influencer in the vegan community who is truly living her purpose and supporting others to do the same, starting in the kitchen.


Chef, educator, and plant-pusher


I’ve been so very lucky to have the greatest support system by my side during the cooking and writing process of this book. I would not have been able to complete Nom Yourself without the encouragement and love from my friends and family.

I would like to thank my parents, Richard and Kathyrn, for raising me to be a compassionate, determined, and artistic human being. You make me want to be a better person every single day. I have no words for the love and commitment you have shown me over the years. Thank you for believing in my dreams and allowing me to follow them with your full support.

I’d also like to thank my sister and brother, Elizabeth and Brian, for believing in me. You guys amaze me every day and I am so glad that you have shared this crazy journey with me, even when it may seem that you have no idea what it is I’m doing. I love you guys.

I would have never started this cooking journey without the help of an amazing kitchen in Baltimore and the roommate who came along with it. Lisa Dietrich, thanks for putting up with dirty dishes and my early-morning and late-night cooking sessions. Without that beautiful stove of yours, I would not be writing this right now.

Bryan Miranda, thank you for supporting me throughout this whole entire writing process. I will never forget the moments we shared while this book was being created. Jim, Barbara, Matt, Danielle, and Jackie, I am forever thankful to have met you. Your support and love throughout the writing of this book means a lot to me.

With this book I will continue to move forward as an activist, cook, and artist and strive to be the best human being I can be. I would not be able to do so without the continued support of the family that has so lovingly taken me in as their own. Team Fallon-Yeskey, thanks for believing in me from day one. Mary Alice, Dave, Spencer, Josh, and Dexter, there’s nothing we can’t fix with duct tape and construction paper.

Chad Sarno, thank you for inspiring me from the very beginning of my journey with food that has truly opened my mind to knowing that the possibilities are endless in the kitchen. Your foreword here, as well as wise words of advice throughout the past two years, have humbled me and make me fall in love with cooking all over again, every single day.

Honorable Mentions: Very special thank-yous to the Mattern family, the Benson family, the Ellsworth family (love you, Matt and Jennifer), Kathryn Pollak-Gorman, Jackie Smith, Sarah Smith, the Smith family, the Horn family, the DelleDonne family, Christine Prenez, Melissa Danis, Tom Cragg, the Austins, Andrew Gabriel, Kim Juretic, Cara Schrock, the Schrock family, Gabrielle Becker, Tony Kanal, Brendan Brazier, Kate Lewis, Lucia Watson, Gigi Campo, Marc Gerald, Lucy Wearing, Vivek Venkatraman, Augusto Pagliarini, Toby Morse, Moby, Ruth Tal, Ellie Goulding, Jamey Jasta, Aaron Elliott (BP), Steve Berra, Chris Rubenstein, Hunter Burgan, Hiram Camillo, Tommy Rasera, Corissa Jones, Anne Thornton, Kim Jones, Timothy Shieff, Kevin Minto (I got my rematch and lost), Jeremy Piven, Dan Elswick, Chris Perino, Sajin Price, The Vegan Zombie, Douglas Gautraud, Luca Enrico Fantini, Andy Coverdale, George Watsky (for the CC album that helped me write this book), Scales and Nappy Roots, Mercy For Animals, The Humane Society of the United States, the Baltimore Orioles, and Baltimore City.

Just writing this out, I’ve realized just how many people have truly affected my life and the process by which this book was developed. Very grateful for the knowledge and support you have given me.


Edward Norton once said, “Instead of telling the world what you’re eating for breakfast, you can use social networking to do something that’s meaningful.” Well, with all respect to Mr. Norton, I think I manage to do both on a daily basis. When I post a picture of pancakes on my Nom Yourself website or Instagram, hundreds to thousands of people view it, drool a little bit, send a screenshot to their friends, and then realize—wow, that delicious, decadent, rich dish is vegan!

Every day, through my presence online, I show people how amazingly delicious vegan food can be. And I gently suggest to the meat-and-potatoes crowd that a vegan lifestyle really doesn’t mean a life of deprivation. Eating a plant-based diet actually means a fuller, happier life, one that’s compassionate, healthy, and creative.

Hundreds of my followers who previously thought “I could never go vegan” or “Where would I get my protein if I cut out eggs?!” have been inspired by my photos and stories to make the commitment. And I hope this book will inspire you the same way. So I’ll keep right on posting my breakfast pictures, thank you very much—and you should, too!


I am who I am today because of the first two people I met when I came into this world—my parents, Richard and Kathryn. Richard is the guy in line who will start a conversation with anyone, regardless of where he is or who you are. He taught me that we must treat everyone equally and that you can learn something from everyone. Kathryn is a woman with a lot of love who gives it all to her children. She’s shown me that being myself should always be my number one priority and there isn’t a thing in the world that can’t be fixed with a good laugh. Along with my siblings, Elizabeth and Brian, we are a family of best friends. We have stuck together through thick and thin—and there have been a lot of both.

I grew up in the suburbs of New York City, in a little town called Suffern, just far enough away from the hustle and bustle of the big city to see the stars at night but close enough to know why they call it the city that never sleeps. So naturally, I became the New York City teenager who got her first tattoo at sixteen in the basement of a shop that also sold hookahs, Bob Marley T-shirts, and those fluorescent posters that for some reason always feature frogs and mushrooms. I sprawled in Union Square on weekends and watched people shop, dance, fight, love, and live.

With its subway performers, street dancers, and never-ending concerts, New York City quickly made me fall in love with music. So at the young age of seventeen, I boldly quit high school and started traveling the country with musicians, selling their merchandise. This isn’t something I recommend everyone do. I love learning and value education greatly, but I personally benefited more from being on the road. For four years I studied the music industry and learned it inside and out. I woke up each morning in a different zip code and explored the cuisine and culture of what felt like every city and town across America.

After years of the road-tripping lifestyle that came with being a merch girl, I settled into a job as a label manager in Baltimore, a city I knew nothing about (beyond having watched a few episodes of The Wire). After working in the music industry, I was looking for a place to call home. When I started to really dig into Baltimore, I had what I guess you could call a quarter-life crisis—but the good kind. I felt compelled to explore what I wanted out of life. I found myself asking, Who am I? What am I all about? What do I love and value most? What changes could I make to become a better person? After lots of introspection, I decided to spend a year finding out what Baltimore had to offer me and, even more important, what I had to offer it.

So let me take you back to my life right before Nom Yourself. To give myself more flexibility and time on my soul-searching quest, I quit the music business and became a nanny for a wonderful family of three—an incredible little boy named Spencer, his loving and strong mother, Mary Alice, and his witty father, Dave. My relationship with this family as their nanny is one that I will be forever grateful for. They took me in as part of their family, and took me to my first farmers market, a debt I can never repay. Every Saturday morning, Mary Alice and I would trek to the Waverly Farmers Market and see what gorgeous produce was for sale. I’d explore heirloom tomatoes, and Mary Alice would show me how to pick the perfect peaches. Surrounded by lush kale, fragrant strawberries, and stubbornly knobby, hearty beets, I fell completely in love with the bounty I saw on offer. But when I came home, arms loaded with arugula and parsnips, I realized one thing: I had no idea how to cook.

Right around this time, I moved to a new house in order to live with my friend Lisa. The kitchen in this house was a wonder. It was gorgeous, spacious, filled with natural light, inviting—and it had its quirks, too. It made me work to enjoy it. I had to light the oven with a match any time I wanted to use it. At first, that seemed like a pain, but once I lit it successfully by myself, it made me curious about what else I could accomplish in this kitchen. Somehow the space made me feel both at home and inspired. I wanted to make the kitchen—and myself—proud of the meals I would create here. The kitchen was telling me, “This is your chance!”

I’d like to tell you that I fell in love with cooking the first day I decided to give it a shot, but that is far from the truth. I was frustrated for a couple of weeks (though it felt like forever). I’d bring home delicious asparagus and parsnips, painstakingly chop them and coat them with olive oil—and burn them to a crisp. My muffins wouldn’t rise, my eggplant ended up too soggy, and I could never wait for my avocados to ripen enough before slicing into them. So many times I would be about to say “screw it” and order takeout, but something inside me would push back. It was something I hadn’t felt before—this immense sense of creativity.

So I persisted, trying new spices and new ingredients each day. I woke up at five a.m. to get into the kitchen,...

"About this title" may belong to another edition of this title.

  • PublisherAvery
  • Publication date2015
  • ISBN 10 1583335854
  • ISBN 13 9781583335857
  • BindingPaperback
  • Number of pages224
  • Rating

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Mattern, Mary
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